Most H190 may be updated through the internet connection.

For information on how to update your device to the latest version by using an internet update, please see Device Menu - Update.


What if I can not find the update option in the device menu?

If your firmware is older than version 5089.20, you have to update it manually through the device webpage.

You can download H190 firmware version 5089.20 here.

For more information on how to update the firmware through the device webpage, please see Firmware Update - Webpage.


Firmware version 5089.20 is only for H190s without the internet update option in the device menu.

You should never manually install this update to H190s with serial numbers containing the letters E, F or G.

These serial numbers look like this: xxExxx, xxFxxx, 12E123, 45G456.

Doing this could damage your H190!